Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) charliexbrown 2009-08-24

Ahhhhh, crazy vampire man on the loose! So the cage wasn't strong enough after all?? Oh my goodness I'm dying to know what he's up to...
And DON'T EAT JOE, PATRICK! Not now, he's just cut his hair! :D
Keep going, it's great!

P.S. I agree with the Dance, Dance thing. You just wanna pick him up and hug him :3

Author's response

Joe's cut his hair?? Oooh! Now, has Andy still got that beard and all the extra hair? He looked so hot when you could actually see him!

Hmmm, yes, I could answer your questions, but not without giving things away, so... sorry!

Back to bed for me!

Thanks for reviewing!! So glad you're still enjoying it!!

Sas x