Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) nadialexandra 2009-08-24

Dance, Dance, ftw! I mean, it wasn't even him on the stage half the time (...pity. I like staring at him.) because he was on the dancefloor.
I like him better as adorkable nerd on the dancefloor rather than über-sexy-singer-that-is-sex-with-short-legs-and-sexy-hat--- Fuck it. I like 'em both. ;]
Y'ever seen Release The Bats, where Pete is a dick and wakes Patrick up at 3am? You see Patrick, seventeen and all adorkably, cutely sexy and sleeping... and then Pete wakes him up (don't rememeber how- I haven't watched it in a whileeeee) and Patrick's all "-whine, flail- Ahh, dick. That fucking HURT. -smacks camera-" X3 socute.

Also. Sexier than Dance, Dance:
And there are many others. So roar. o_o

And, also... c'mon. How can this be so evil?!:
He's too cute! D':

lulz. Sorry for the pic-spam.

Author's response

No :'( I haven't seen it - because I think it's only been released on Region 1 so my dvd player won't deal with it :'(

Second pic is the best - I love it when I can see his eyes. Though he does look like he's trying to shove something up his nose.

And AWWWW!! Cute Will! He is too sweet!
But, you know, give him a pair of fangs and he's well, he's sexy-sweet-evil-yummy. Could be the legs that go up to here that does it. Don't know.

Feel free to send as many pix as you wish - I love 'em!! :P

Thanks! Sas x

ps - it's 3.45am and for some reason I'm awake. Must remedy this!

Btw my band played Dance Dance at a gig a couple of months back. Went down a storm!