Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) charliexbrown 2009-08-31

Oh no!! What sort of task could Beckett have in mind? Has Pete really gone back to him for good? If so, does Patrick know he's evil? Will he go through with the task? And if not, are the gang gonna be able to get Pete out? Will Andrea be able to get out herself and make someone see sense? And does Patrick really think that disgusting mess tastes like chicken?!

There's so many more questions I'm asking myself!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D

Author's response

LOL!! Well - your questions in order:

1 - task - sorry can't say just yet
2 - Pete - sorry can't say just yet
3 - Patrick - he hasn't said so yet
4 - task - no idea, lol!
5 - gang - we'll see, shall we?
6 - Andrea - let's hope
7 - chicken - I highly doubt it!! Lol!!

Blood must at least taste of something nice to vampires as they seem to really enjoy it. Not so sure about the concoction for Pete and now Patrick though, it does sound pretty disgusting. No wonder Pete swigs it straight down! :)

Thanks for reviewing!! Will begin the next chapter tomorrow.

Sas x