Review for Wake Me Up When The Nightmare Ends

Wake Me Up When The Nightmare Ends

(#) nadialexandra 2009-10-11

... areyounormal shouldn't be your username, Sas. It should be 'areyoufuckinserious' for the insanity your mind conjures up. I mean... Patrick's evil twin?! I've totally dreamt of that, but said twin was tied to my bed and willing to do anything I wanted him to and ... I'll stop there. -blush- STILL. That's some fucked up shit y'got in your head.
So, yeah, I spent half an hour that I should have spent sleeping reading this entire story so far and, fuck, I'm glad I did. While I don't agree that Patrick should be punished in any way unless it's kinky and brought upon by Sir Wentz (who, by the way, got his head shaved by Mister Mark Hoppus at the concert in Madison Square Garden that I went to last week) ... I still love this story. Yeah, Im fuckin crazy like that.

... It's 2 am. I'ma go get some slee--

waitno. A Little Less Sixteen Candles Continued! -dashes off to read it-

Author's response

Lol!! I maintain that I don't write these it's them. They're in my head. They show me it like a movie and I just write it down. I'm not insane, honest.

You know, now I've got an idea in my head that I might write for you. I think you might like it. Let me know ;)

Oh no!!! Pete's lovely hair???!!!!! I hope he grows it back again. Maybe he thinks no one will no the difference between him and Bronx now. They're about the same height, yes?

You know, you should really try that sleep stuff it's not all that bad - apart from being a gross intrusion into 'doing stuff' time.

You know what? I've been watching the Beat It video a LOT!! Patrick is so unbearably hot in that. That big white white shirt, the blacker than black gloves , leather pants (always a favourite of mine), those huge boots, the belts and my 'stop, rewind, play' part - where Joe is leaning back on his shoulder and he does that sexy little nudge to push him off! Yummmmmmm!!! :P

Anyhoo -ahem- thanks for reviewing!!! Great to see you again.

Sas x (aka areyoufuckinserious) :D