Review for Wake Me Up When The Nightmare Ends

Wake Me Up When The Nightmare Ends

(#) nadialexandra 2009-10-14

...yeah. I'm a bitch like that. I just have to have some sort of Patrick look-alike or just Patrick. Fuck it if he's a psychopathic killer that ain't so bright- he looks and sounds like Patrick! ~ihaveissues. (Have I mentioned yet that I'm going out with this one kid 'cause he's ubercool, but I first started liking him 'cause his eyes were the same color as Patrick's, and he has the same personality? Yeah, it's that bad, my obsession. Borederlinr fangirl.)
And you ain't gettin' that UK store 'til I know that Joe's alive. If you can have Gerard kill his own brother... who knows what you can do to Joe and his fro?! -point- I don't trust you yet.
And, fuck. Now that's just cruel. Whenever I think a out bad things happeningvto babies, it always makes me think about what would happen if that were Aidan in that situation. It'd kill me to have whatshappening to Bronx ad Ashlee happen to my mom and Aidan. :\
and a drummer bias?! If you did, you wouldn't have all this shit happen to Patrick! He'sadrummertoo! Seriously. Who gets drained and has to be turned into a vampire so he doesn't die? Patrick. Who goes on some weird-ass journey with Alice from Winderland who, in the book, is a complete ditz and has the intelligance of an eight year old? Patrick. Who has a psycho twin brother who's trying to kill him and drove all the way to a closed record sorrel and will most likely get arrested and raped? PATRICK! Do you, like, have something against really multi-talented sexy Irish men?
-end rant-

the oh-oh-oh-omegalomanic,
nadia :P

(I hope you know... That this is gonna go down on your permanenttt RECORD! ~ guess where that's from and you get a virtual cookie, or a UK store. Depends on my mood.)

Author's response

I have to admit, I Googled the song, so no cookie or UK store for me yet :(

I do have a drummer bias - the self same story you referenced - Bob survived, did he not? Yes, bad things happened, but... well... (yes, that's my defence)
And really multi-talented sexy Irish men? Well, let me ask you this, if nothing was happening to him in the fic (say he was just doing his food shopping, whistling away to himself calmly) would you be reading it? Are you going to worry over his choice of broccoli or carrots? No, see? Sometimes, I make sense!

Don't worry about your original reasons for liking that boy - just means you have a type - most people have a type.

And Joe? And the others? No, can't tell you yet >;)

Sas x