Review for Caught Up In This Web

Caught Up In This Web

(#) IeroMyHeroMCR 2009-11-24

Woah woah woah... i was about ready to bitch slap Jermey ^^ I don't know if i can believe him... cause it sounds like she raped him... but it seems kind of hard for a chick to rape a dude... i don't know ... hmmmmmm.... YOU BETTER NOT HAVE JERMEY! Haha the chapter was great! Luff chu!

Author's response

Ha ha I can totally see you bitch slapping your computer screen! Great sight, greaaaat sight :)

Nobody knows if they can believe Jeremy, once the story gets out. But here's the thing: with the new band wanting to be even more famous and get in the tabloids, will one of them spill the beans to the press? o_O That would be horrible, no?

To be honest, I don't even know where this story is going. For all I know, Jeremy could have been raped, but really does remember it all. I dunno, stay tuned in for next time! XoXo :)