Review for G.I.N.A.S.F.S.


(#) areyounormal 2009-11-29

I read this again, because it's sweet, clever, amazing, touching and just feels so real it could be true.
You're an amazing writer, it's brilliant and I had to tell you again!

Sas x

Author's response

Trust me, it's always nice to hear, especially since someone who is supposed to support me through thick and thin, in the friend way, has been running my work down lately. It's pushing a bunch of buttons since he really has no right to talk, but thankfully I have awesome readers like you and my Emmi babe to let me know my stuff is still awesome =) Thank you so much, it really did make my morning to see this review. Hopefully, if things go right, when I leave this internet place, and get home, Shaun won't be online so I'll be able to post my updates =)

Thanks again Sas!