Review for Blood Princess

Blood Princess

(#) bubbly-gum 2009-12-10

Back, okay so I have more to say. I was kinda in a rush and people were yelling and I was running late. It's really not my fault certain people can't tell the time properlly.

I actually shouted 'Noooo!!!!' when Frankie jumped and I think I may have gave my frinds a fight. It was mega funny.

I am seriously loving this! I think I've read this whole story about 10 times. I ujst keep going back and reading it. It makes me happy.

I was listening to the new Queen cd that came out recently and the song (one of my fave'
s) Killer Queen came on when Georgia is yelling at Frankie to get him off the tower by order of the queen. And it was just freaky how that happened.

xoxo Sam