Review for Blood Princess

Blood Princess

(#) bubbly-gum 2009-12-26

More more!!! I'm so god damn excited about what's still to come that I can barley stand it!!!

What the fuck is Bert planning??? Awwww Gerard loves Georgia! Haha oh btw my rant at Frankie was jumping off the tower. I totally do that! Seriously I was telling Amy-Louise about it (thats one of my bff) and he was just stared at me for ages. And I'm like what??? And she shouts. 'you do that!!!. What nurse Frankie??? Anywyas, loooong sotry short she meant about the ranting. I do. I have little rants about everything. Especially Cheryl Cole! I hate her!!!

But moivng on to thing I like. Frankie/MCR being no1.. Your story being a close second/choclate. Haha! The coffee, then oreos. Those things are just to damn tasty! I love yoooou and I looove your story.

xoxo Sam