Review for ficwad status

ficwad status

(#) NacNud 2010-03-01

Someone named bmn posted a full backup on the forum about a week ago. I've tested it and it works fine. I'll copy the post here with the info on where to Download it:

"Right, here's the promised mirror available to download. I took the liberty of cleaning it up some. (294MB)

The file is a self-extracting 7zip archive. 7zip was chosen (as opposed to RAR or a similar format) because it can compress similar files very efficiently. A download in RAR format would would be over 1GB big.

When the window appears, you should enter a new folder name, as it will extract files and folders to the directory you are currently in. Double click index.html in the root directory to start browsing the mirror.

If you are not on Windows or it doesn't run properly, rename the file to have the extension "7z" and it will work with any archive manager that supports 7zip (WinRAR for example). If you run Linux, you probably already have the 7z application.

You require about 100MB of RAM in order to extract the archive. The whole thing will take up about 3.3GB of space on drive.

As it is a "solid" archive (where all the files are archived as though they were one big file), you have to extract the whole thing even if you only want one file."

Author's response

Thank you. I will download that and I will use it if my backup does not finish in time. I did in the end find a program that would do it and it is still working on it. I guess we will find out soon if the site will stay up.