Review for The Art Of Holding Hands

The Art Of Holding Hands

(#) lollykillerx_x 2010-03-06

So, i had your problem too one time, you have something like .< this or like this ()
or like¨## or sumthing, that's what 's stopping it.

Author's response

i dunno ficwad is just being massive faggot
i don't care anyway i will try and try and try until it fucking posts lol

i love all my readers too much :3 I will get it up here

i'm so so so so sorry that's its not working and i feel really bad but i promise i will post i'm trying i swear haha

thanks fr reviewing you have no idea how much it means to know that someone actually likes what I write :')

please keep in touch because I cant survive without my readers :3

LOVE YOU :D haha you're in my story XD oxoxoxoxoox

xoxo Lottie oxox