Review for want a my chem one shot/smut including you?

want a my chem one shot/smut including you?

(#) TakeThisToMyGrave 2010-08-28

1. Name : Chloe
2. Age : I'm 14, but what ever age :}
3. personal apperance and personal (include piercing, tattoos etc.) : Layered hair that comes just past my shoulders, a swoopy/flicky fringe to the left. Dark brown hair but my fringe on the top left side is dyed white. A small lip ring on the left side. Large hazel eyes. Button nose :} I'm loud, funny-ish? Annoying ^^ Child-ish, shy at first but a riot at last. Can be touchy.
4. Importantly which my chem boy you want (if you want two of them together write it down): Frankie!
5. how do you know them? is it a one night stand that turns into a beautiful relationship, of school friend/lovers, you work with them on tour, you live near them, your family friend, whatever you want : I'd like it to be a high school romance if possible?
6. where do you want it set? : New Jersey? :S (I dun know what you mean sorry)
7. what do want to do? Butt sex, normal whatever, if threesomes please tell : Normal ^^

Thank you, good idea btw :}