Review for want a my chem one shot/smut including you?

want a my chem one shot/smut including you?

(#) fobprincess179 2010-08-29

1. Name: Ruth
2. Age: 15, 16 in a few weeks. you can change though.
3. personal apperance and personal (include piercing, tattoos etc.): Brown skin with a beauty mark above the left corner of my mouth. Brown eyes, glasses, chin length brown hair. Curvy. so Random and sarcastic I don't even know when I'm doing it. Friends come to me for advice.
4. Importantly which my chem boy you want: MIKEY. No one picked mikey. Don't know if I;m sad about that or happy that I have him to myself. LOL jk.
5. how do you know them?: Ummmm, We're because of our familes. Been best friends since birth.
6. where do you want it set?
7. what do want to do?: Normal is cool. So is everything except....
8. what don't you want to do?: Oral. :(

I know you have a lot on your plate so if you actually get to me, it'll be amazing! Thank you though!

Author's response

YAY! someone picked mikey!!!!

I want mikey... actually i want all of them they are sooo cute but i'm happy that someone wanted Mikey, now we just need someone who wants ray alone!!!


may take awhile but i'm getting threw them