Review for Let's Try That Again, Shall We?

Let's Try That Again, Shall We?

(#) mirabilos 2011-01-15

Well, with an HTTP header like this…
│Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
… it’s no wonder this site needs more heavy caching.
Changing that, at least for the more-or-less
static story pages, would most likely be

I’ve got a question about the story though
(wow, you post fast, by the way): the
Trelawny we see, is her timeline linear,
i.e. the same from the first chapter?
(If so, the snitches have travelled forward
while we stayed with her, and we’re now
“behind” the canon story but “forward”
from the first chapter, if I read this right.)

Author's response

Posting quickly: I started with a lot written before posting the first chapter. Then it was just editing and formatting. Right now I'm at a 14k-word buffer (about three unposted chapters), but I am stuck on naming some characters. One of the hazards of trying to write in the periphery of the main social circles of the books is that if you want, say, a conversation at the Slytherin table with non-major characters who were definitely there before Harry was, your original characters are going to need to proliferate rapidly (that's the next chapter to go up). Things will go more slowly in the future, I'm sure.

As to Trelawney, she is the same Trelawney as the first chapter. We are now sideways from the canon story, but forward from the first chapter. Trelawney is the big plot hook -- her having the dreams and going to her friend is supposed to be the AU part. The snitches grabbed the characters from the books' timelines, which would have happened the same way if Trelawney had kept her dreams to herself.

I will eventually get around to writing about what's going on in her head now, and what she's been up to. She isn't in any way important to the main plot of the story I am telling anymore, really, but I hate to waste a character. Focusing on her so much in that second chapter was partly just me staking out the right to put in whatever content I please, so when I threw in darker or more sexual stuff later I wouldn't have people complaining to me.