Review for Let's Try That Again, Shall We?

Let's Try That Again, Shall We?

(#) mirabilos 2011-02-27

Now I wonder what will come out of this.

No angry Vernon for Dudley? He did, after
all, show interest in the M-word…
naturally, at that age, of course.

Author's response

There was no reason to get mad at Dudley, since Vernon _thought_ everything was going his way. The idea here is that Rita had a bunch of things going for her that other wizards did not:

- competence at presenting middle-class respectability, even cross-culturally (even if Dumbledore could do this, he doesn't care)

- a job title and goals that worked the same way in the muggle and wizarding worlds. England has a rich tradition of tabloid-style journalism.

- Rita was specifically trying to get them to say bad things about Harry; it is easy to get someone to do what they want to do anyway

- she paid them £2000 to talk to her

(This review reminded me to go insert the pound symbol in the chapter -- thanks!)