Review for JEDI POTTER


(#) lycus 2011-05-03

That was a great chapter, but I just can't feel sorry for ron. I can feel sorry for Luna but we all know that she and her child will not want for anything. And you did hint at Harry being with more than one lady and if those plans are still in place I nominate Lavender. And maybe ron had to die, I've always thought that if ron gained any sort of power it would go straight to his ego and the way that you had ron's thought process before he died made it obvious that he was a sith in the making. And about dumbledore will his powers leave him slowly or suddenly? I could see him in a blind panic knowing that everyday he was getting weaker and weaker and in the eyes of the people becoming insignificant that is true toture. And one last thing I don't know why but I thought of them having a celebration and leaving the compound and either Harry or Hermione running back in hours later saying that they forgot about Ernie.

Author's response

Heya Lycus!

Thank you!

Harry gave Ron every chance he could (and a few he shouldn't have), but I based Ron on his canon persona. that persona is flawed. He's good-hearted but he has the fatal flaws that here, killed him.

Luna: You're right. Her child will grow up loved and wanted. I'd also expect him to be a powerful Jedi, Mmmm!

Next chapter will clear up some of your thoughts. the hints will bear fruit. Lavender will not be more than a close friend, though she might find a partner. Honestly, I hadn't considered that.

Ron: Maybe not a Sith, but definitely moving in that general direction. Ron's canon personality is precisely what spymasters are looking for when they recruit native agents. He has extremely low self-esteem, and a desire for gain, but no drive t earn it. even in the crapalogue, he had to cheat to get a driving license.

Dumbledore's powers will fade over the next three months. by the time the inhibitors release themselves, he will have no usable magic left.

And your thoughts as to his mindset: ~in the eyes of the people becoming insignificant that is true torture.~ are as the Brits say: Spot-on. What better punishment for him than to be Powerless, broke, confined, and completely forgotten?

Poor Ernie!

"Mmm! Harry?"


"We forgot about Ernie!"


"Yeah!" Hermione points to the stasis tank. "Ernie!"

"Well..." Harry rubbed is chin. "He is nicely decorated."


"Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll pull him out of there in a few weeks. It's not like he's gonna notice! Now come back to bed!"

