Review for JEDI POTTER


(#) Disruptor 2011-05-05

My dad was a vetran, but he never served in any wars beforee his term was up. He was Air Force, but in one of the most despised postions in any military: he was Military Police. Later on he became a seargent for a prision and then retired. The People under him were my city's SWAT team. If that person you met was a police officer or a prision guard, I could see it, but a mailman?

Caeg Solais is, if I spelled it right, the name of a sword from Celtic myth and has nothing to do with Star Wars other than as an inspiration. It's other name was Sword of Light. Another sword from that time was Caladbolg: a sword with an arc like a rainbow and chopped a path through a mountain range one time and then chopped off the tops of three hills with a single pass. Another sword wasn't all that impressive comparitivly to the other swords of that time and was known as Caldewyflch which later became Caliburn and then Excaliber. The strongest sword from Celtic myth was Fragarch or the Answerer which had IIRC the ability to compel the truth out of anyone if you point the tip of the blade at a person's throat, ability to control the wind, and finally like the spear Gae Bolg, it can pretty much kill anything regardless of what it was.

Author's response

Hey agin Disruptor.

My father was also a veteran. He served in combat in WWII, and Korea,(Maybe that's where he started drinking...) and was in the Air Force during Viet-Nam. It seems that all my family on both sides, have been in the military in one form or another.

I have a great deal of respect for mailmen, their job is difficult at best. They put up with things most wouldn't, they have been attacked and beaten, bitten by animals and abused by many, but like you, I don't see how someone who never risked the chance of combat (G W Bush, I'm talking 'bout you!) could be considered a veteran. That might be closed minded of me, but there it is.

Caeg Solais" Found it! It's Claíomh Solais and as you said, it's the sword of light. I was astounded at how many light/flaming/glowey swords there were on mythology. I wonder if that's where Lucas got the idea. Funny enough, he originally intended the lightsabers to be a functional, all purpose tool that anybody could use. They just seemed to evolve on tehir own.

Caladbolg: Can you imagine how difficult that would be to control?

I do know about Caldewyflch/Excaliber, though didn't know the name Caliburn.

~The strongest sword from Celtic myth was Fragarch or the Answerer which had IIRC the ability to compel the truth out of anyone if you point the tip of the blade at a person's throat,~

I hate to say this, but I'd suspect that any sword pressed against someone's throat would have them singing.

Ain't mythology so much fun?

