Review for AUDITION!


(#) escape_velocity 2011-05-31

Name: Wyatt

Age: 19

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: Quiet. A little bit shallow. Skittish. Adventurous when alone.

Hobbies: Dissecting things. Smoking. Knitting. Karaoke. Lying.

Likes: Cats. Sweaters. Napoleon Bonaparte. The Little Mermaid. Singing showtunes. Eating out. Dates.

Dislikes: Boring dates, Snakes, Beer, Candy Corn, Spanky pants, Body Odor, Mtv, Jell-o.

Description: Dark brown puffy tired eyes. White blonde hair. Pink cheeks. Likes wearing fitted jeans, suspenders, Doc Martens, bow ties, and button downs. Has a crush on Mikey LOL (: