Review for AUDITION!


(#) escape_velocity 2011-06-01

I have another character!

Name: Bambi

Age: 19

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: positively average. Gets angry or sad. Typically indifferent or happy. Excited when good things happen.

Hobbies: origami. Watching movies. Sewing. Swimming.

Likes: Pastel and neutral colors. Oranges. Cakes. Smiles. Dates. Alicia. Caravagio. Dante's Divine Comedy. Gregg "Craola" Simkins.

Dislikes: body odor. The "color" black. Boring cliche people.

Description: grey eyes. Strawberry blonde hair, waist legth. Red lipstick. Wears a lot of white, light pink, creme, and beige. Also likes pants. Tall. Wears high heels often. Has a crush on Alicia, but typically prefers girls with shorter hair. Had one boyfriend before, they are still friends. She takes rejection well, but truthfully feels a little lonely sometimes.