Review for AUDITIONS


(#) crazybudgies 2011-06-17

Sorry if theres mistakes ands its short am doing on my phone
name: Erin Thorpe
part i'd like: any really but preferably gerard and mikeys younger sis, mikeys best friend or someone who has a crush on mikey.
apperance: lightish brown hair, just above shoulder length, black and red glasses, hazel eyes. Freckles, straight teeth, short ( 5foot 2) long legs, quite pale, side fringe, skinny.
Personality: smiley, funny, dramatic, fun to be around. Try my best, hardworking, clever. Can keep a secret. Good to talk to if you have a problem. Smiley, bright, a good friend
likes- friendhip, shopping, having fun, listening to music, going on fb, tumblr, ficwad and writing creative stories. Chips and chocolate
dislikes: sprouts, maths and homework.
things i'd like my character to do: get together with another character, help another character in a tough situatiin, whatever you want
things i don't want to my character: to die or lose all friends.
Thats all, good luck with the fic :) x