Review for Welcome to the desert boys.

Welcome to the desert boys.

(#) andreajp 2011-06-21

You love to write, I love to read, we make a good team *highfive*

Dude it's impossible for me took pick my favorite part of this, it's like trying to pick the cutest kitten! So instead I'll go by characters. For Sweet D, I loved her since she busted her butt in the library lol I don't know I just find her adorkable. This last chapter was my favorite Gerard scene I could see him acting like a little kid caught stealing a candy when Ray got him phone. Mikey/Frankie, the skittles, need I say more lol. I don't really have anything that sticks out for Ray, he's been all 'fro guru on me.

That's all I could think of at the moment, but I do hope you update again tonight ^_^

Author's response

Aww thank you! I'm glad you find my story interesting! Delilah is kind of a representation of me, in a way that's how I'd act in that sort of situation XD Gerard, Mikey, Frank, and Ray well I just don't know, I just imagined how'd they be if they acted the way they do know but in teen version :D
i most likely will update tonight but it might be shorter, sorry bout that
thanks for reading though! xoxo