Review for AUDITIONS FOR 'are you fricking serious?'

AUDITIONS FOR 'are you fricking serious?'

(#) killjoy_blackrose 2011-06-28

so okay
seeing as you didn't tell whag exactly you want to know i'll just write some facts about myself:)

name: katie/kat (katharina but she hates that with a passion)
looks: 165cm, not tanned but has a slightly darker skin color, brown eyes with blue-greenish small rings surrounding them (sometimes green sometimes's that weird:/), naturally she has muddy brown hair (ugh) but she dyed it blood red. it's cut into a side frindge, covering her left eye and the rest is shoulderblade long
age:15, bday is the 29.03
she has a troubled history and many issues (friends and family) there alway is some kind of drama. she doesn't really like to talk about it or about how she feels so she either is really quiet or totally random or hyper (coffe and energy drink addict)

that's all if you wanna know more or details, email me:)

Author's response

okay, all i'm really wondering is how she deals with all of that drama?