Review for Stars Made of Fire

Stars Made of Fire

(#) PartyPoison 2011-07-03

I know what you mean. I had that problem when doing my story, it’s almost as if they are two different stories but yet they lead up to the same thing. It’s weird but it works.
You are willing to put things that other people might not think about together. Like you said, some things seem like they shouldn’t go together. I think of it as a puzzle, first you have a thousand pieces in front of you and your mind is going ‘There is no way in Hell that these are going to fit together’ But as you try fitting different pieces together and switching them around you finally get an amazing work of art.
You should be glad your teacher liked you, not many people get along with them. I can’t draw at all, therefore I can not doodle. This is why I write stories instead of drawing fan art :p Lucky you can lie, it probably comes in handy a lot when you get caught doing something.
I am not sure how amusing my rants can be, I usually don’t have many. I have to say though; yours are pretty amusing to me. Haha, yes I remember that rant. I don’t remember where it is but I agree. I don’t play myself but I’ve heard a lot about the games and they all seem really similar. Basically the plot lines the same but you get two new weapons and ta-da! You got a new game. I don’t know, that’s what it seems like to me but I really wouldn’t know for sure because as I said, I don’t game.
Wow, that’s actually sounds neat(The chemical engineer thing) . That’s when you convert raw materials and develop new technology right? At least I think that’s what it was, can’t remember that much but I think that’s what it was. Anyways if that is what I think it is, it’s marvelous that you want to do that.
=) I do like the comedy bits you have in your stories. Sarcasm and irony are my favourite, although I do not use them very often I find reading them in stories really amusing.
Yeah, I should probably work on that. It makes me happy to know that you want to read my story, I still forget that people are actually reading it. Some things are going on right now so I don’t know when I will be able to get to it but I will try to be as fast as I can! Although unfortunately I am not Jay Garrick or Barry Allen or Wally West or Bart Allen and so I am not super fast and it may take a while. But while I am trying to handle things I will be waiting for your stories too =)