Review for Let's Try That Again, Shall We?

Let's Try That Again, Shall We?

(#) trulte 2011-07-04

After this characters like Dumbledore is bound to find out that Tonks are a time-travler or something like that to not be OOC stupid. The chapter is well written, but I truly dislike Hermione as a person because she has no respect for other peoples opinions or priorities if she don't agree or understand them. I just hate it that you make Tonks risk her cover because she thinks Harry need her nagging him to learn. With that introduction Hermione will be more bossy. This is the first of your chapter you have written that i truly diliked

Author's response

Actually, almost no one bothers to tell me when they dislike something . . . I am almost tempted to play up her bossiness now, because I want there to be dislikable characters on all sides of every conflict, but one of my rules for this story is to never go out of my way to make somebody unsympathetic.

Honestly I'm more worried that I haven't written more chapters that more people dislike, because I really ought to be creating some sort of narrative tension along the way here, you know, eventually. :P

As to Tonks, she is free to make errors, just like anyone else. I think Tonks is an appealing character, and I like her -- I wouldn't have used her, otherwise -- but she isn't perfect.

Tonks is good at killing people, but not necessarily at running a war (or staying out of trouble). Her ideas about how to achieve her goals are shaped by people like Dumbledore as well as the impulses that guide him -- trying to "not be like Dumbledore" is in fact a minor theme of her part in the story.

All that said, Hermione is hard to write. You probably won't see too much of her, anyway, since this isn't really her story. Of course, Dumbledore might not find out about Hermione until she arrives next fall unusually well-prepared. Also, remember that just because Hermione thinks she's the heroine, that doesn't mean Dumbledore is paying attention to her. :)