(#) Gerardwayiscute 2011-08-03

Now my little sister wants me to audition for her. Killjoy name-Cosmic sun. Real name-Amy Price. Age-13. Costume-A yellow tank-top that is orange at the bottom. A leather jacket on sometimes. Red skinnes with black boots, a black studded belt. Wears a silver heart shaped necklace she got as a gift. Mask is the color yellow and has spikes in the corner to make it look like the sun. Gun is orange and has yellow spots on it. Looks-Dark brown hair that is curly, dark brown eyes that change color time to time. Pale skin that tans easy. Has red nail polish on all the time. 5'1 and skinny. Personality-Kind of like her older sister but does not get pissed easily, nice, can beat the living shit out of people sometimes, sunny everyday, gets distracted easily.