Review for Remember Me

Remember Me

(#) aweirdtree 2011-08-30

why do you say it's awkward? cause i think it's kinda amazing :D i can really understand how that person feels (btw, i assume it's Frank :D) although i've never felt the same way, of course... kinda reminds of what it was like to be fainted but just a little xd the time seems forever and a second at once... or something :D
annnnd, i don't have a fucking clue how's this going to continue o__O and it's damn good, i love stories like this when you can never know what's happening next :D you're amazing, keep going, please! i will totally be reading this more! (: thank you!

Author's response

i kinda felt as if the words just didn't fit quite right^^' really?D: thank you so much:3:3 means a lot to me that someone actually likes this

well you'll just have to see if it's him or not...I'm not telling:P

about the fainting thing...yeah i know what you mean there..i fainted once and it kinda felt like i was dreaming or seeing a lot of things and such. i was sure my eyes were closed but my ma told me they were open O.o scary...

glad you like it that much:D and thank you! again so much:D

I'll try and update sooner, but the plot i thought up is really complicated and it might sometimes take a while til i find a way to write it down^^ this story's a challenge for me, but I'll be trying my best;)

oh and i always reply to reviews;) and as you can see my replies ar rediculously longxD

xx k