Review for Favrourite sayings and Parts of class of the titans...

Favrourite sayings and Parts of class of the titans...

(#) greektitan 2006-10-11

(little box of horrers)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wow this i so ainchent,can you belive they used to actually fight with theese things.Hey do you know what this is?-archie
it looks like a spear-atlanta
not just any spear it was the spear of achiles he used it in the trojan war,how do i look-archie
like a goof,now come on archie,ares wants his place cleaned up-atlanta
hey whats this-archie
Archie leave that alon-atlanta
Arnt you curios whats inside-archie
(Prisoner capme)
Your the only person i know who thinks a rampaiging monster is dull-atlanta