Review for Auditions?


(#) angiexoxomcr 2011-09-18

Killjoy Name:Contemplation Bomb Sunshine
Age (Optional):25
Looks:has dark brown hair, 5'5, brown eyes, purple streaks, pale skin, pinkish lips, thin, a lip ring on her bottom lip on the left side.
Outfit:avenged sevenfold shirt, worn out high top converse, skinny jeans that are kind of ripped,ray gun purple and black that says fallen angel on it
Personality:very bad ass, doesnt take shit from anyone, is ruthless, dont mess with her or you'll get your ass kicked, can be empathetic and sensitive
Abilities: can sing and play guitar, is good at shooting(doesn't miss a target)
Other:loves chocolate and hates spiders
can she date fun ghoul (its ok if you say no :])
thanks bye =)