Review for Harry Potter and the Emerald Coven

Harry Potter and the Emerald Coven

(#) lycus 2011-09-29

That was great and I'm glad that you gave us a strong Hermione and I really hope that she becomes addicted to Harry and doesn't go to ron at all because someone said you can't take a girl to the farm after she has seen Paris. And hopefully Harry will get over this ginny thing especally since she supposedly looks like his mother and has the mannerisims and attitude of his surrogate mother and that will just lead up to Harry having a complex. Bot I am wondering how kinky Hermione will be.

Author's response

All my favorite versions of her involve her being strong and sure of herself.

I bet withdrawal from Harry sucks.

Weirds me out but oedipal complexes are surprisingly common...and you know what they say about the quiet bookish types right?