Review for Personalized stories, anyone? =]

Personalized stories, anyone? =]

(#) ChemicalKissez11 2011-10-07

Name: Jo Liam
Age: 16
Looks: 5'3 (I know I'm a shortie shut up). Big brown eyes that are always framed with eyeliner. Bow lips and thin face. Thin (But not anorexic :P) Snakebites. Shoulder length dirty blonde hair. Slightly tanned skin.
Personality: Bright and bubbly, but has episodes where she is depressed and silent. Is a bitch to those she does not trust or like. Affectionate and sweet. Her humor is sorely based on sarcasm and insults.
Famous person: Frankie please? :D
Story: The two don’t get along because of a past endeavor (surprise me with a conflict), but when they have to work together on a music-based project, the whole ‘falling in love’ thing comes into play.
Anything else?- I can sing really well and play guitar :3

I kinda want a oneshot, if that’s not too much to ask. Good luck with your stories!

Author's response

If you want a 1shot, you get a 1shot! =] Love you des.