Review for AUDITONS


(#) ShutTheFuckUp 2011-10-17

NAME: Hayley Meredith
AGE: 17 (Change if its needed)
LOOKS: : Short choppy black hair with red tips and fringe. Small skinny frame, 5'8 tall, blue eyes (That change from blue to green to red) Wears thick eyeliner, Red lipstick and red and black eye shadow
STYLE (everyday): Red Corset, black super skinny jeans black and red converse with neon green laces
COSTUME: Dead ballerina, red tutu with black leotard, red converse and face blood dripping from sides of mouth and across my neck.
HOME LIFE: Lives with only my dad, mum left when Hayley was 11 coz she was cheating on dad. Moved to america soon after mum moved out.
MUSIC TASTE (not mcr lul): Nirvana, A7X,The Misfits,Paramore, BVB, P!ATD, FOB,falling in reverse ect.
FAVORITE FILMS: Harry potter, nightmare on elm street, Sweeney tod, Paranormal Activity 1 and 2
FAVOURIE BOOK: House of night
ANYTHING ELSE: Born in England, Dyslexic, self Constance, cuts and very shy also can i have 7 mins in heaven with mikey?

Goodluck can't wait :) xoxo