Review for Auditions


(#) fatherfuckingmeese 2011-11-06

Name: Tanner Riley
Age: 14? Anything works
Part: Violet's sister
Physical description: short, has glossy black hair big dark-brown eyes lined by thick eyeliner, petite, usually wearing a purple beany
Personality: bouncy, outgoing, very observant to peoples emotions, energetic, talkative, funny, loud, excitable, easily scared or made angry, easygoing, likes to goof off
Tatoos/peircings: snakebites, two tatoos (DEMOLITION LOVER and BULLETPROOF)
Outfit: black converse with neon drawings on them, ripped white jeggings, knit black and white off-the-shoulder long sleeve shirt, purple beany, black uglydoll keychain bat hanging from belt loops