(#) fatherfuckingmeese 2011-11-10

Name: Tanner Riley
Killyjoy name: Fox Harlequin
Age: 8
Looks: short, has big dark brown eyes (they glow a golden tint when I'm angry or scared), dark red layered hair ,has one lip ring
Outfit: ripped red tights, black tutu, black lace gloves, shimmery gold tanktop that says BULLETPROOF on it, wears fake fox tail, fox hat, black converse, gold raygun with red lettering that says Demolition Lover on it, always carries a small stuffed bat, wears aviator sunglasses
Likes: bats, alternative/rock/screamo music being carried or held, adrenaline, fighting dracs, power
pup (I actually enjoy it :D), having a killjoy family
Dislikes: the dark, tall menacing-looking people, bl/I, being alone, hospitals, spiders
Personality: outgoing, bouncy, bubbly, gets angry/scared easily, finds it hard to trust people (except fun ghoul), energetic, funny, a little sassy, adventurous (tries to be brave), loyal friend, pretty good fighter for my age, sneaky, fast, good at lying if I need to
Backround: Was sold to bl/I with older brother (Desolation Wolf) for medical experiments, was tortured and saw Desolation get killed, ran away and lived with killjoys. Her parents sold her to bl/i, she also has frequent nightmares about her experiance
Anything else: Can I be really close to Fun Ghoul like he's kind of like my protective older brother? :3
Good luck with writing this-I haven't seen a killjoy fic in awhile! Hopefully you'll like my audition and choose me cause this sounds like it'll be interesting! :)