Review for Family! At The Disco

Family! At The Disco

(#) Obsessive-Fangirl 2011-11-17

ok, so PanicAtTheDiscoLover and I are reading this right now, together, and the following is our convo afterwards (PATDL means it's her speaking, O-F means me speaking.):

O-F: Name? Sucky?
PATDL: Gasp! No freaking way! That's one of the best names referencing Panic! ever!
O-F: Agreed. And that wasn't boring!
PATDL: Never boring. And us? The prettiest girls you'll ever meet?
O-F: Wow. That's something only our mothers say.
PATDL: Yeah, everyone else normally calls us the total opposite.
O-F: Unless they're a man whore trying to pull us in their trap.
PATDL: Yeah, which they always fail to do.

So obviously we liked this! C:

Author's response

Why, thank you my lurvys!:3