Review for Auditions people?

Auditions people?

(#) blood-stained-bandit 2011-12-12

okay I have two, mine is male and my friends is female, Jali and Sarah, they are best friends.

Name: Jali Hoyepa

Nickname(s): JaJa (only by Sarah)

Age(14-17): 17

Hair color: sandy blonde

Hair style: short-ish, with a fringe that falls into my eyes.

Eye color: a brown that is so dark it almost looks black.

Eye shape: big round eyes.

Lip shape: thin pale lips that are generally smiling.

Skin tone: pale, but slightly tanned.

Sexual orientation: gay.

How do you feel about truth or dare?: I love it :)

Who you want to be with: Ryan or Spencer

Personality: generally happy. protective. loyal. doesn't get angry or stressed easily. easy going.

Do you have a phone?: yes, Iphone 4

If you have a phone what's your ringtone?: west coast smoker - fall out boy

What's your favorite movie?: quarentine

Allergies: none.

Health problems: none.

How do they act in stressful situations?: I stay calm, and try to calm everyone else down then try and fix the problem.

Is it ok if they die?: yep.

If so how do you want them to die?: Saving Sarah or whoever I'm with.

Halloween Costume: super man! (counter part to Sarah's)

Any relationships(Like family with one of the people. Can be their cousin, sister, brother, etc.): nope, but lives with Sarah.

Family: was kicked out of home when I was 15 for being gay, sarah ran away from her abusive parents at around the same time, they now live together, they are practically family.

Do you believe in the paranormal: yes.

Do you have any powers?(seeing into the future, seeing ghosts, levitating, etc.): see's flashes of the future.

Bad habits: constantly tapping.

Anything else: vegetarian. about 6'4 thin but muscular.

Name: Sarah Johnstone.

Nickname(s): Midget, Shortie, Pixie, Bunny (anything that make's fun of her size)

Age(14-17): 16

Hair color: black.

Hair style: short and choppy, with a side fringe that covers a small scar on her left cheek.

Eye color: smokey grey-green.

Eye shape: large round extremely innocent looking eyes.

Lip shape: full curvy dark lips.

Skin tone: extremely pale clear skin.

Sexual orientation: Bi

How do you feel about truth or dare?: a little nervous, but will do whatever she is dared to do.

Who you want to be with(guys from P!ATD, MCR, TAI, ATL, BVB, etc. But no Brendon or Frank Iero. Sorry they're both taken by me and kaelamonsterdino): bob bryar or jack from ATL

Personality: funny, outgoing, shy around new people but absolutely insane around her friends, short temper. protective. loyal.

Do you have a phone?: yes. Iphone 4

If you have a phone what's your ringtone?: astro zombies - the misfits

What's your favorite movie?: the exorcist

Allergies: mint.

Health problems: none.

How do they act in stressful situations?: tries to see the bright side, tries to help her friends.

Is it ok if they die?: yeah.

If so how do you want them to die?: preferably saving someone.

Halloween Costume: wonder woman.

Any relationships: nope.

Family:same as Jali

Do you believe in the paranormal: yes.

Do you have any powers?(seeing into the future, seeing ghosts, levitating, etc.): can read people's / spitit's aura's

Bad habits: almost constantly singing under her breath.

Anything else: vegetarian. about 4'9, etremely thin but surprizingly strong, because of her small size she often gets mistaken for a small child, which she hates and get's extremely angry if someone thinks she is a young child.