Review for Auditions people?

Auditions people?

(#) PurplePeopleEater 2011-12-12

Name: Anthony De Luca
Nickname: Aj
Age: 17
Hair color- black with purple streaks
Hair shape: shaggy and hangs just below my ears, I have a big side bang covering my right eye.
Eye color- hazelish brownish
Eye shape- they look like big bug eyes and I hate them.
Lip shape- full
Sexuality- gay.
How do you feel about truth or dare? Um, best game ever! People should fear me when I give dares.. one time I made my friend strip in front of my other friends mom and dance. Ha. You should have seen her face. Priceless.
Who do you want to be with- preferably Gerard way or Andy six
Personality- dark humored, laid back, secretive, and I have mad ninja skills when it comes to protecting my friends.
Phone? Yupp. I have a Droid incredible two with a blue case and a grumpy bear sticker on the case.
Ringtone- my current ringtone is the one from one missed call.
Favorite movie? Defiantly rocky horror picture show.
Allergies? I know this is odd but I'm actually really allergic to silly string spray. If it gets on me I break out in a rash and puke my guts out for like 2 days. It's bad.
Health problems- I get a lot of nose bleeds when I sleep, and I have asma
How do I act in stressful situations- I don't act very well. I cry a lot when I am stressed and turn into a negative drama queen.
Is it okay if you die and how? If it is really necessary. If I need to then I want a freaky death like the one from scream where the girl gets stuck in the garage.
Halloween costume- hmmmmmm either Dr. Franken furter from rocky horror or red mist from kick-ass
Any relationships? Can I be related to ray or bob?
Family- well if I am related to bob or ray I want to have been adopted by them. Like my parents were killed in a plane crash and I was adopted by them. Yupp. Otherwise I have a younger and an older sister. My dad hates me and my mom is really close to me.
Do you believe in paranormal? Yeah. I always feel the sense of others around me.
Powers? Telepathy like Carrie white except less crazy..
Bad habits- I bite my nails when I am nervous and when I like someone I act very very clumsy.
Anything else- I have a lip ring, nose piercing, and my ears pierced.