(#) Sarahkilljoykid 2011-12-19

Can I be a best friend?

Name (of character): Sarah Johnstone

Looks: short choppy black and red hair with a side fringe that covers a small scar on her left cheek. clear pale white skin. big round grey-green eyes. full dark lips. really short (5'2) and very skinny. wears either bright red skinnies, anthrax band tee and a black leather jacket, or, red and black lacy corset, short black with red lace skirt, fishnet stockings, thigh high boots, spiked dog collar and spiked wrist bands.

Personality: most people think she is extremely scary, cold and un-caring, but when you get to know her she is funny, happy, bubbly, a little hyper, passionate, warm and caring. but shet from anyone.take shi does not

Who you wanna be with (if you chose someone from FOB you will not be included for quite a while... But those parts must be filled): I don't mind :)

hope you liked my audition :)
-Sarah xx