Review for ~Auditions~


(#) FrankieXIero 2012-01-02

You can change anything about these characters or not use them at all. I just made them quickly without much thought so they probably aren’t very good but it would be cool if you did use one (I didn‘t know if you wanted a guy or not so I made one along with a girl, you can pair him up with anyone if you want) Good luck with writing!

Name- Casey Reid
Gender- Female
Age - 21 (or 18 if I get that part)
Killjoy Name- Radiation Diamond
Sexuality- Straight
Part- (leave two)
Kobra Kid's love interest
A 18 year old found half dead in the Zones.
Appearance- Wavy dark brown hair that goes down to the small of her back. Bright blue eyes that joint with her light freckles on nose make her seem very childlike. Doesn’t wear make-up but usually has dirt smudges on her face. (Or oil if she’s been around playing with electronics and things) A slim build and 5’7 tall. Tans easily because of Italian background.
Killjoy- Bright red jeans, a white tank top, leather jacket and gloves along with a purple bandana around her neck. Her hair pulled into a tight pony tail.
Personality- Quiet and a little timid. Takes a long time for her to come to trust someone. Doesn’t talk when she is in a large group but will talk one on one. When she does talk she is usually overly sarcastic. It’s easy to sense her feelings just by standing near her or looking at her face. An open book. Takes offence easily and a little over emotional but will bottle up her feelings. Is into electronics and cars.
Likes- Bike riding, reading, playing with electronic things or fixing cars.
Dislikes- Being touched without warning, confined spaces, silence and tomatoes.
Family- Had a single Mother named Sarah
Back Story- BL/Ind killed her mother in front of her slowly. She will never forget her mothers screams. Ran away the first chance she got but not without a fight that caused scars to cover back, arms and legs.
Quirks- Doesn’t like to wear her hair down, always finds something to fiddle with
Anything Else- Don’t think so.

Name- Spencer Velez
Gender- Male
Age - 22 (Or 18 if he gets that part)
Killjoy Name- Neon Fox
Sexuality- Bi-sexual
Some other killjoys.
A 18 year old found half dead in the Zones.
Appearance- Short black hair that sticks up in every direction. Hazel eyes that sometimes appear orangey. 5’7 and skinny frame.
Killjoy- Bright orange skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a red leather jacket along with a black bandana on his neck.
Personality- Very outgoing and sarcastic. Not afraid to voice his opinions. Has a kind heart and means well but can sometimes be brutally honest. Doesn’t like people in his personal space unless they are hurt (emotionally or physically) Usually very fun to be around and although some people may not appreciate his comments he is generally easy to get along with and often plays peacemaker.
Likes- Strawberries, the dark, and loud music
Dislikes- the sun, people fighting and clowns
Family- Considers he doesn’t have any
Back Story- Came from a harsh and strict family. Didn’t fall into their view of life so he ran away to join the Killjoys.
Quirks- Chews on his thumb nail when thinking, always wears sunglasses in the sun, and can be very sneaky.
Anything Else- Don’t think so.

Any questions, just ask.