Review for Favrourite sayings and Parts of class of the titans...

Favrourite sayings and Parts of class of the titans...

(#) greektitan 2006-10-19

Jay you know you cant pressure me like that-neil

and sry i made a type in my last review its "I serender,i serender"-jay
not i give up i give up sry

"Umm i dont know their bouth kina ugly"-neil

Neils right-atlanta
i beg your pardon-theresa
not about jay about a vote,i say we get we get the harold staff,all in favor-atlanta
(Herry raises hand)
And i say we tell mr hermes,then get the harold staff,all in favor?-archie
(Herry raises hand again)
Herry you cant vote twice-atlanta
why not this is a democrassy-herry
hey guys what'chya talking about-odie
oh we were talking about me-odie
well before you all decide my faith,i have to show you something-odie

you broke it-atlanta
Not on perpus-odie
that settles it odie gets the blame-neil
No we have to protect odie-jay
Why do i need protection am i fradgile or something-odie
thats not what i ment-jay
oh oh what did you mean-odie
i knew it,i know you all think it ,im the week link,im not as strong as you guys or as fast,i dont know any cool comfue moves,but this is ma problem ill deal with it ma self!-odie

Hey..again.i dont know if i already put that spech i just love this story thingy!Ever day i have new quotes lol