Review for AUDITIONS


(#) midnight_star22 2012-01-14

This. Sounds. AMAZING!

NAME- Jade Knight

AGE (15+)- 22

PART YOU WANT- one of the best friends

GENDER- Female

HAIR- Long black hair that's naturally curly

EYES- Ice blue with a grey circle around her pupils

BODY TYPE- Slender and curvy

SHORT OR TALL- Tall, 5'8

PIERCINGS AND OR TATTOOS? Lip, and one tattoo: a jade rose on her left wrist


PERSONALITY- Quiet until you get to know her and can be a bit of a bitch. She has a bitchy vibe but can be quite nice, yet she's very sarcastic and witty. You definitely want her on your side in an arguement. She will put you in your place if need be, and don't piss her off.

DO YOU WANT ANY ROMANCE IN YOUR PART IF THE STORY? Yes please, doesn't matter who!

THOUGHTS IN OTHER CHARACTERS- Despite her outward attitude, she does try to like everyone but some people she just can't.

LIKES- Animals, thunder storms, coffee, cigarettes, snow, dancing, drinking, and chocolate. The almighty chocoloate (:

DISLIKES- Homophobes, and racists

MUSIC TASTE- My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Paramore, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Iron Maiden, Skrillex, Black Veil Brides, and Muse.

PAST- She lived a boring life in a boring town until she met her ex. They ran away together at 16 and he dumped her for a bimbo, leaving her on her own. She's wary of who she trusts now.

HOPES FOR THE FUTURE- She hopes to get her dancing skills noticed. Also to find Mr. or Mrs. Right and have a family.

FEARS- clowns and spiders

REGRETS- she regrets not being there for her little sister for all of those years. She was her best friend until she ran away.

WEIRD, OR BAD HABITS- Bites her nails and smokes


ANYTHING ELSE? Not that I can think of.

I'm really excited for this!! Can't wait to read it, it's going to be great I just know it (: