Review for Never Coming Home

Never Coming Home

(#) PandaFrankie 2012-01-22

SF is completely right. I feel as if I have just finished with a huge part of my life, your life, and so many other people's lives. I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself anymore.
You've made me laugh.
You've made me cry.
You've made me love you, and then hate you. And then love you again.
You've made me think, and sing, and, -ahem- a couple of other things that I deem inappropriate to mention at this time. c;

What I'm trying to say is, I think you have the skill of a professional, the heart and soul of a true author. Only someone as dedicated to their characters, their plotlines and their readers as you are could truly encapsulate the horror of the war, the lyrical, bittersweet beauty of Frank and Gerard's forbidden passion, and then tie it all up with a neat little bow at the end.
I'm scared, now.
I don't know what to do with myself.
Thank you for capturing my attention with a couple of intriguing chapters, thank you for leading me in and upon this magnificent adventure, and thank you for taking the time to go out into the universe and use your greatest weapon- your mind.
Thank you for restoring my faith in the internet, humaity, and FicWad.
Thank you for everything.

All my love and best wishes.
-C xo