Review for Triwizard Redux

Triwizard Redux

(#) brad 2006-10-23

Good stuff with Luna and the Ravenclaws. I've day-dreamed a little about Harry fixing that up ... I was a bit peeved that he did nothing about it in HBP, and didn't hang out with Luna much at all (after she'd dared life and limb to rescue his Godfather). He even regretted asking her to the Christmas dance seconds after the fact.

You're really socking it to Dumbledore in this one, aren't you, holding him accountable for Riddle's upbringing as well as Harry's? Why DID Voldemort buck the will to place Harry with the Dursleys? 'Ignoring Harry's welfare' wouldn't explain why he'd go all out against his parents' wishes?

Author's response

I don't know what gave Dumbledore the right to put Harry with the Dursleys, but he never seems to regret it much more than a little in canon, does he?
