Review for I'm back :) And Auditions :D

I'm back :) And Auditions :D

(#) XEvil_AngelX 2012-04-06

Name: Sam Alexis Mitchell
Killjoy Name (optional for non killjoy characters): Electric Angel
Usual Clothes (I like to see links to pics of outfits :D ): Black t-shirts, bright skinny jeans (any colour you can think of) and shoe like these (any of these) (above)
and fingerless gloves like these
Personality: Selective mute, isn't afraid to fight for what she belives in, wont take any shit. Doesn't show it, but cares deeply about those she cares about
Struggles with any drug or alcohol abuse (TOTALLY OPTIONAL AND MAY NOT BE INCLUDED):Both, did heroine for a while, but got clean (after 3 years), started drinking at 15
Talents: Bass, drums, can see the brighter side of things, street fighting, has a "right hook from hell"
Background story/ethnicity: Canadian? She never got along with her parents, and one night (at the age of 14) right before they were leaving for a party, she told them to go burn in hell, and that she hated them. They died that night, and she feels horrible about what she said to them last, which pushed her to self harm, then drugs and alcohol
Appearance (Pics are pretty cool :) : hair like this- (worn the same way), bright blue eyes (like turqoise), 5"6 and slim
Killjoy or pre-apocalyptic: Either (your choice)
Anything Else I forgot Or You Wanna Add: hm, in shape, can run a lot, has been living on her own since 15 (when she ran away from her foster home)

Author's response

Thanks for the auddition :) and I loooove that hair , it's alot like mine IRL ! thanks bro :]