Review for Auditions people.

Auditions people.

(#) BoomBoomJude 2012-04-14

Oooh more stories to read OwO

Name: Jude Quinn

Age: 17 1/2

Appearance: I broke it up into parts. :)

Hair: Short, black with purple tips. It's always gelled into careful spikes.

Eyes: Large, celery green. I dunno why, but they're almost transparent, which tends to freak some people out. They're always at the top of my lids, so I look high 24/7...

Skin: Pale ivory with zero blemishes.

Body type: Skinny but toned, and damn, I'm short.

Personality: Light-hearted, sarcastic, weird, hilarious to the point where I can make you pee from laughing, casual, laid-back, down for anything. My friends actually think I act much like Frank himself, if that helps. I also usually shout out things that make no sense at the time, like "I LIKE POTS!" and flail my arms around. A.k.a very loud

Likes: comic books, shopping, soccer, cars, art, music (alternative and metal), video games, candy, writing, soft blankets, the sun, and food.

Dislikes: depressing people, rain, being indoors too long, the news, and messy houses. Or old shoes, or showering, for that matter

Backstory: Hmmm...Idk, I lived with my parents back in Bosnia until the war started, so we moved to America. I fit in pretty quickly at my school, even though I was openly gay. I have a decent amount of friends, and I started playing guitar at age 7. My parents are happy with my sexuality so I had to move out and in with my friend across town. I do well in school and I play soccer.

Sexuality: I'm pretty gay, last time I checked

Relationship to/with Frank/Mikey/Bob/Ray/Gerard: Well, I get told that I act like Frank olot, like I said, so I pick Frank :D

I gave you clothes too, if you needed them >.>