Review for The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

(#) RockMusic 2012-04-29

Great chapter(s) today. Pete should think about being less arrogant and cocky when making a first impression, Gerard was pretty over the top, but still. Why is Mikey not okay? Updatezzz soon!

I'm gonna let you in on a secret... Add unessesary Z's and X's and extra S's (outside of stories, like in tweets and status updates and things like thatzz) make the word suddenly cooler.

You are now hip..

None of the previously mentioned tips are coolzz

Author's response

Thank you! I'm glad you liked the chapters. Pee should definitley calm down a bit but he doesn't understand Mikey's situation just yet. Thanks for the tipz about Zs and Xs. I do feel sort of cool saying it but I am a bit of a grammar freak! Thank you for reading and leaving such a nice review! :)