Review for this is life in the zones.

this is life in the zones.

(#) Ravan-VanSlaughter 2012-05-01


KILLJOY NAME: Paranoia Destroyah

APPEANCE (you know, hair colour, killjoy outfit etc.): Shoulder length blood coloured hair, pale skin, hazel eyes.
Wears a black crop top and black skirt with ripped black tights and black high heeled boots with studs on the heel. She also has scars on her arms from where BLi tortured when she was a little kid.

PERSONALLITY: Loves to fight and kill dracs, very skilled in TaeKwon-Do, can be very nasty at times but will protect her friends and loved ones and has a very negetive attitude

LIKES: Jet Star, Fighting/killing dracs etc...

DISLIKES: Being told what to do, BLi

FEARS: One day she'll be just like a drac and spiders (if there's a spider she'll kill it instantly)

ANY EXTRA ‘FEATURES: Um... is it possible for her and Jet to get together (don't matter if not)

Author's response

sweet:) it sounds good:D... and i guess you will just have to wait and see hrm;)? i like the spider idea:D and im presuming this is for the teenage girl yeh? xo