Review for Auditions anyone? :3

Auditions anyone? :3

(#) GerardAllTheWay 2012-05-27


Part- Jon's love interest?
Name- Lee Annabeth Clawe
Nicknames- Likes L, hates LeeAnne.
Looks- Pale, with straigh ginger hair that reaches to her chin, hazel eyes.
Personality- Tough, won't let anyone but her friends and Jon near her.
How the hell did I survive? She's extremely skilled at fighting due to the fact she was an assassin before.
What do I help with the most- Getting food.
Any particular strategies when fighting- Seduce 'em, stab 'em. Works every time.
Which gang I want to be in- As long as she's with Jon, she doesn't really care. Preferably Brendon's, but yeah.
Anything else- Used to date Brendon and Ryan. wink wink nudge nudge She gave Jon a bracelet braided from leather, she makes them when she feels depressed. She learnt to take her anger and make something beatiful out of it. She used to cut but stopped...

I hope you like it and use it!!