Review for Under City Lights

Under City Lights

(#) ReddyDevil 2012-05-30

No, not really... I just... I dunno. It's weird. :P

That really would! The Panic! boys would be like, "Who are you and why are you stalking us?!" then I'd say, "Now, 'stalking' is a harsh word to use..." XD

That's okay. Hey! Have I mentioned that I've written about 6k more on 'Phantoms'?! Well, I have. The human Brendon and Ryan have met each other. O.o Ooooooh, interesting stuff, eh? XD Still not sure if I'm gonna post it, but my beta has been giving me a lot of positive feedback for the continued parts so maybe, maybe. We'll see.

Author's response

Hahahahaha. When it comes to those boys... stalking is a harsh word. O.o

You haven't mentioned that! When shall it be posted? I'm so excited!
Hey, I can't remember. Did I ever send you the bit of the Jon story that I had written? I think I was going to but can't remember if I did. I've been so exhausted lately that I'm confusing what I have planned and what I've actually done lol.
It has to be posted though! You have to post it! Please?