Review for Auditions!


(#) xxFamousLastWordsxx 2012-06-04

-Name: Nicola Falls

-Age: Whichever suits

-Gender: Female

-Appearance: eg-

Hair colour/length/style: Black chest length hair with short layers and a thick side fringe that covers right eye. rainbow tips at the end of her fringe. Thin hair.

Eye colour: Warm sea Blue

Height: 5'5

Any makeup you usually wear: Heavy eyeliner and pale foundation

What you would usually wear:
Band tops (anything except BVB), black skinnie jeans and a nightmare before christmas jacket with a pair of old converse.

Anything else you feel you need to add:

-Any instruments played: Guitar

-Vital personality traights:
Can sing, draw and can touch her nose with her tongue. Hates being centre of attention but hates to be ignored. Can tell when her friends is lyimng. Hyper and adores comic books and Starbucks coffee.

-Qwirks: Eg- "I always write in pencil, never in pen"
Always speaks her mind and never realizes it

-Dietary requirements:

-Part you are auditioning for: Gerard's Girlfriend

-Back story: Eg- If you moved here, if you had a critical event happen in your past that effects your current personality/appearance.

She is originally from Northern ireland and brought up Catholic and moved to where story is set because her dad would abuse her and she moved to where story is set with her sister Rebecca. She self harms sometimes because her dad had left an emotional scar in her for life and hates to talk about it.

Tah :'D