Review for Auditions!


(#) Jacks_Demons 2012-06-04

-Name: Christian Taylor
-Age: Whatever fits :)
-Gender: Male
Hair colour/length/style: messy black hair with a fringe that is about two inches-ish and layered.
Eye colour: one white-blue and one green, really big with dusky eyelashes, kind of feminine.
Height: short, perfect for Frank :D
Any makeup you usually wear: eyeliner, in red or black, sometimes a bit of concealer
What you would usually wear: Skinny jeans with rips or paint splats, band tee's, slogan tee's, converse, any non-brand canvas shoes also. Wears a lot of black, but makes up for it with colour splashes like the paint or thread bracelets
Anything else you feel you need to add: He's really thin but not in a bad way. He has a sleeve- right arm- and a lip piercing.
-Any instruments played: Electric guitar (badly), tambourine (Mikey Way style when The Used and MCR did Under Pressure together- if you haven't seen it find it on youtube! :D )
-Vital personality traights: He's usually very happy.He's a total sweet heart. When he's in love he puts his everything into the relationship. He's very laid back and caring. He's good at comforting people and is very loyal. Like a puppy. But he's not clingy. I guess he is me? :P But I'm a she. Okay. He is me and me is she but that's okay. He isn't me... he's my character! Got it! Sorry, brain stew :P
-Qwirks: Eg- "I always write in pencil, never in pen"
Doesn't tie his shoe laces- this leads to him tripping, but people usually catch him :) Also he says random things lots, especially in awkward situations :) He cracks like all his joints- wrists, knuckles, toes, ankles, neck, back (like me :P) when he's nervous.
-Dietary requirements: Vegetarian. He doesn't eat sweets and he drinks a lot of water.
-Part you are auditioning for: Frank's boyfriend :)
-Back story: Eg- If you moved here, if you had a critical event happen in your past that effects your current personality/appearance. -He had an abusive step father who isn't in his life anymore because he ran away from home and lives with his older sister. His mom is a homophobe, as was the step father, so he doesn't talk to her ever which gets him down sometimes. He has cut on both wrists, but he gave up when he met Frank and the boys. He's also a recovering bulimic and has trust issues.